Sunday, June 5, 2016

Into June…

It has been quite a week. It began with a two-day stint with the cardiology office. Annual checkup, very thorough. Treadmills, injections, talk with the MD, more injections the next day, more pictures of my heart, Report to come to Gunther in a week or two. Gunther is my family doc: Gunther Schlenther.

Then time with Erin and Taryn, a gay couple we've known for years…at least Erin we've known. They were deep into planning their wedding, which took place last evening, June 4, Pride Day in Edmonton. We stayed with them a couple of nights. They were so excited they were vibrating. They decided to marry just a few weeks ago. They planned their wedding in three day. Total cost: $1600.00. That's the way to do it. The event took place in their apartment, with 9 guests, then dinner out! We saw them late last evening, sill vibrating, and over-the-moon happy.

We attended to two day workshop for the clergy of Alberta and Northwest Conference. Excellent input from a superb US pastor from Massachusetts and now Berkeley, Calif. Molly Baskett. Great mind and terrible creative. Really good for the folks in pastoral ministry. Interesting for me. Lots of connecting with folks I haven't seen in years, and some long talks about interesting stuff. I need to get back into those circles. Of note: I was the oldest minister there. Not one soul from my generation. The others are either totally retired or dead. I, apparently, am neither.

Last evening was the Celebration of Ministry banquet.Ordinands, those transferring in from other denominations, and the retiring folks, like Beatrix. The people being received from other denominations included a Korean Presbyterian, an African Congregationalist from Botswana, and a Methodist from the USA. All men, this time. The retired folks were given time to answer questions about their ministry. Only Beatrix stuck to the time guidelines. One two went on for a half hour. Sigh…

Today was the Ordination Service, with special time for the retirees. And communion. It was two hours long, as usual, on a hot day in a big old traditional church, recently made a heritage site by the Province and the city of Edmonton. McDougall United was the first Protestant Church west of Winnipeg in 1837…or 43. I think.

Worship was amazing. Young choir director who could sing and play piano as well as direct. The organist was in her twenties, and played the piano and the violin. The music included Caribbean music, African music, old hymns, and lively new stuff. Great choir, terrific vibe. Two hours flew by. We'd stayed in a nice hotel for the weekend, and they valeted our car down for us at 1:30. We were home by three.

One of the themes that came through the workshop presentations concerned the current swing of young populations to be "spiritual but not religious, and to seek their spiritual nurture outside traditional structures. Lots of reflection on the need to the ministry people to learn how to minister outside the structures, and be in the world.  Lots for me to reflect on. I began thinking of the redneck conservatives I coffee with. Not only conservative, but bigoted and misogynistic as well. I realized I need to think of them in a different way. They are the potential locus for a ministry on my part. Only one of them has any church connection, and although they annoy me, I can see that their biases come out of fear and a lot of ignorance. I sit in their midst and fume. I need to think of ways to love them, and respond to them in some other way that anger. Lots to chew on. AND… it reminds me that, although I am no longer "in ministry", I can still minister to them in some ways. It made me realize that I may not be done with the task of ministry despite my advanced age!

In some ways, this workshop was kind of enlivening for me, stirring up a new sense of the call I experienced so many decades ago. Good feeling, kind of satisfying, and exciting in a terrifying way! Lots to ponder as I read and drink coffee at Tim's.